* Translation *

28 February 2012


Jeti Bagan Pasir, Tanjung Karang, Selangor. [Klik untuk pembesaran imej]

Jeti /jéti/
Binaan spt jambatan yg menganjur ke laut atau ke tengah sungai utk pangkalan kapal atau perahu.
[Sumber: DBP]

A landing stage or small pier at which boats can dock or be moored. 
Synonyms: pier - mole - wharf - quay 
[Ref: Google]

A jetty is any of a variety of structures used in river, dock, and maritime works that are generally carried out in pairs from river banks, or in continuation of river channels at their outlets into deep water; or out into docks, and outside their entrances; or for forming basins along the sea-coast for ports in tideless seas. The forms and construction of these jetties are as varied as their uses (directing currents or accommodating vessels), for they are formed sometimes of high open timber-work, sometimes of low solid projections, and occasionally only differ from breakwaters in their object. The term derived from the French word jetée, "thrown", and signifies something thrown out.
[Ref: Wikipedia]

24 February 2012

Album cover

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Album cover
An album cover is the front of the packaging of a commercially released audio recording product, or album. 

The term can refer to either the printed cardboard covers typically used to package sets of 10" and 12" 78 rpm records, single and sets of 12" LPs, sets of 45 rpm records (either in several connected sleeves or a box), or the front-facing panel of a CD package, and, increasingly, the primary image accompanying a digital download of the album, or of its individual tracks.

In addition, in the case of all types of records, it also serves as part of the protective sleeve.

Source: Wikipedia.

22 February 2012


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Sejenis senjata bersarung, berhujung tajam dan bermata dua. Bilahnya ada yang lurus atau berkelok-kelok. Keris ialah sejenis senjata pendek Austronesia yang digunakan sejak melebihi 600 tahun dahulu. Senjata ini memang unik di dunia Melayu dan boleh didapati di kawasan berpenduduk Melayu seperti Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand Selatan, Filipina Selatan (Mindanao) dan Brunei.

Nama yang digunakan untuk keris berbeza mengikut daerah misalnya Sundang di Mindanao, Kedutan di Bali dan Kareh di Sumatera. Perkataan keris dikatakan berasal dari bahasa Jawa Kuno iaitu malang kerik yang bermaksud bercekak pinggang. Ini merujuk kepada figura orang bercekak pinggang pada hulu keris pada peringkat awal.

Keris digunakan untuk mempertahankan diri (misalnya sewaktu bersilat) dan sebagai alat kebesaran diraja. Senjata ini juga merupakan lambang kedaulatan orang Melayu. Keris yang paling masyhur ialah keris Taming Sari yang merupakan senjata Hang Tuah, seorang pahlawan Melayu yang terkenal.

Keris berasal dari Kepulauan Jawa dan keris purba telah digunakan antara abad ke-9 dan abad ke-14. Senjata ini terbahagi kepada tiga bahagian, iaitu mata, hulu dan sarung. Keris sering dikaitkan dengan kuasa mistik oleh orang Melayu pada zaman dahulu. Antara lain, terdapat kepercayaan bahawa keris mempunyai semangatnya yang tersendiri.

Keris menurut amalan Melayu tradisional perlu dijaga dengan cara diperasapkan pada masa-masa tertentu, malam Jumaat misalnya. Ada juga amalan mengasamlimaukan keris sebagai cara untuk menjaga logam keris dan juga untuk menambah bisanya.

Secara umumnya, keris boleh dikategorikan kepada keris Semenanjung, keris Bugis, keris Jawa, keris Sumatera, keris Madura, keris Patani, keris Bali, keris Sajen dan keris Picit.

Kris (or keris) 
The kris or keris is an asymmetrical dagger or sword most strongly associated with the culture of Indonesia, but also indigenous to Malaysia, Southern Thailand and Brunei. It is known as kalis in the southern Philippines. The kris is famous for its distinctive wavy blade (luk), but many have straight blades as well. The numbers of luks is always odd numbered, ranged from three to thirteen waves, however there is also luks that reach 29.

Kris can be divided into three parts: bilah (blade), hulu (hilt), and warangka (sheath). These parts of kris are objects of art, often carved in meticulous detail and made from various materials; metal, precious or rare types of wood, or gold or ivory. A kris's aesthetic value covers the dhapur (the form and design of the blade, with around 150 variants), the pamor (the pattern of metal alloy decoration on the blade, with around 60 variants), and tangguh referring to the age and origin of a kris.

Both a weapon and spiritual object, krises are often considered to have an essence or presence, considered to possess magical powers, with some blades possessing good luck and others possessing bad. Krises are used for display, as talismans with magical powers, weapons, a sanctified heirloom (pusaka), auxiliary equipment for court soldiers, an accessory for ceremonial dress, an indicator of social status, a symbol of heroism, etc. 

Legendary krises that possess supernatural power and extraordinary ability were mentioned in traditional folktales, such as the krises of Mpu Gandring, Taming Sari, and Setan Kober. In 2005, UNESCO gave the title Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity to the kris of Indonesia. In return, UNESCO urged Indonesia to preserve their heritage.

Puisi Melayu
Keris kecil menikam ular,
Keris besar menikam singa;
Dari kecil tak hendak belajar,
Sudah besar tertanya-tanya.

 Peribahasa Melayu
 Keris pedang tiada tajam, lebih tajam mulut manusia.
Bermaksud: Kata-kata lebih tajam daripada senjata.

20 February 2012


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Objek yang dibuat dengan berbentuk manusia dan dipasang untuk menghalau burung atau haiwan perosak lain dari memusnahkan tanaman di ladang mahupun kebun. 

Scarecrow [/ˈske(ə)rˌkrō/]
An object, usually made to resemble a human figure, set up to scare birds away from a field where crops are growing, OR A person who is very badly dressed, odd-looking, or thin, OR A crude image or effigy of a person set up in a field to scare birds away from growing crops, OR Something frightening but not dangerous, OR A gaunt or haggard person OR An object, usually a figure of a person in old clothes, set up to frighten crows  or other birds away from crops. 

Synonyms: fright - bugaboo - bugbear - bogey - bogy

17 February 2012


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Titian jambatan kecil yang di­buat daripada batang kayu, papan dan lain lain ATAU lorong kecil (sempit) yang dilapiki papan (batu dan sebagainya) tempat berpijak sewaktu berjalan

Bersinonim dengan titian, jambatan, gertak, limban, pelimban, sirat, keretek, jejantas atau jejambat.

Sumber: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP)

13 February 2012


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Bersinonim dengan comel, halus, ketot, kemetot, kerdil, kurus, langsing, atau ramping.

Of a size that is less than normal or usual; little OR of limited size; of comparatively restricted dimensions; not big; little OR slender, thin, or narrow OR not large as compared with others of the same kind OR not great in amount, degree, extent, duration, value, etc OR being below the average in size or magnitude OR limited in importance or significance; trivial OR limited in degree or scope OR lacking position, influence, or status; minor OR unpretentious; modest OR not fully grown; very young OR having been belittled; humiliated OR diluted' weak OR lacking force or volume

Synonym with little - petty - slight - low - tiny - short - thin

Puisi Melayu
Kecil-kecil pengayuh lidi,
Mari sampai hutan seberang;
Kecil-kecil hendak berbini,
Apa belanja kulit kerang.

Peribahasa Melayu
Kecil-kecil lada api, besar-besar *limau abung

 Meskipun kecil tetapi berani
[Peribahasa lain yang sama makna: (a) Kecil-kecil anak harimau (b) Kecil-kecil cabai rawit (c) Kecil-kecil cili Melaka. *limau abung = sebangsa limau besar

Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP), Google, Dictionary.com dan Answers.com

10 February 2012


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Tempat tumpuan kaki yang bertingkat-tingkat untuk naik turun rumah  ATAU  alat untuk tumpuan memanjat (takuk pada pokok, sigai, dan lain-lain) ATAU Bahagi­an daripada sesuatu yang bertingkat-tingkat, pering­kat, skala, tingkatan.

Bersinonim dengan sigai: injak-injak, takuk, takik, tokek, tubang, jenjang, tangga gerak dan eskalator.

A set of steps leading from one floor of a building to another, typically inside the building OR
one of a flight or series of steps for going from one level to another, as in a building OR A series of steps (or flights of steps), connected by landings, that permit passage between two or more levels or floors. 

Synonym with step - rung - tread - degree - stairway - staircase

Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP), Google, Dictionary.com & Answers.com

06 February 2012


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Sejenis binatang yang menyerupai buaya (tetapi lebih kecil) ATAU nama sejenis binatang yang menyerupai cicak tetapi jauh lebih besar dan ada yg suka memakan ayam, Varanus spp.

Puisi Melayu
Habis bayam disusur babi,
     Banyak mati terkena damak;
Ayam jangan bebaskan diri,
     Biawak tunggu di tepi semak. 

Peribahasa Melayu 
 Bagai biawak mengulangi bangkai. 

Lelaki yang suka pergi ke tempat perempuan jahat.
(Peribahasa lain yang sama makna: Seperti anjing mengulangi bangkai).

Sumber: DBP