* Translation *

26 March 2012

Kain rentang

Kain rentang yang terdapat berhampiran laluan masuk ke sebuah kampung
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Kain rentang
jaluran kain yang panjang, yang direntang melintang atau sepanjang jalan.
[Sumber: DBP]

A long strip of cloth bearing a slogan or design, hung in a public place or carried in a demonstration or procession.
[Source: Google]

A sign painted on cloth and hung over a street, entrance,  etc.
[Source: Dictionary.com]

A banner is a flag or other piece of cloth bearing a symbol, logo, slogan or other message. Banner-making is an ancient craft. The word derives from late Latin bandum, a cloth out of which a flag is made (Latin: banderia, Italian: bandiera, Portuguese: bandeira, Spanish: bandera). The German language developed the word to mean an official edict or proclamation and since such written orders often prohibited some form of human activity, bandum assumed the meaning of a ban, control, interdict or excommunication. Banns has the same origin meaning an official proclamation, and abandon means to change loyalty or disobey orders, semantically "to leave the cloth or flag".
[Source: Wikipedia]

22 March 2012


Gerai menjual mentarang di Sungai Leman, Sekinchan, Selangor
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Kedai kecil tempat menjual makanan dan minuman, barang-barang permainan, dan lain-lain.
Bersamaan dengan warung, bangsal, lepau, kedai kecil, pondok atau balai-balai.
[Sumber: DBP]

A stand, booth, or compartment for the sale of goods in a market or large covered area
[Source: Google]

A booth, cubicle, or stand used by a vendor, as at a market.

A booth or stand in which merchandise is displayed for sale, or in which some business is carried on (sometimes used in combination)
[Source: Dictionary.com]

19 March 2012


Sunset at Bagan Nakhoda Omar beach, Sabak Bernam, Selangor
[Click for image enlargement]

A silhouette is the image of a person, an object or scene consisting of the outline and a basically featureless interior, with the silhouetted object usually being black. From its original graphic meaning, the term "silhouette" has been extended to describe the sight or representation of a person, object or scene that is backlit, and appears dark against a lighter background. Anything that appears this way, for example, a figure standing backlit in a doorway, may be described as "in silhouette".
[Source: Wikipedia]

16 March 2012

Rumah api

Rumah api di Bukit Melawati, Kuala Selangor, Selangor
[Klik untuk pembesaran imej]

Rumah api
Menara yang berlampu untuk memberi panduan kepada kapal pada waktu malam
[Sumber: DBP]

A tower or other structure containing a beacon light to warn or guide ships at sea.
[Source: Google]

A tower or other structure displaying or flashing a very bright light for the guidance of ships in avoiding dangerous area, in following certain routes, etc.
[Source: Dictionary.com]

A structure (as a tower) with a powerful light that gives a continous or intermittent signal to navigators.

A lighthouse is a tower, building, or other type of structure designed to emit light from a system of lamps and lenses or, in older times, from a fire, and used as an aid to navigation for maritime pilots at sea or on inland waterways.

Lighthouses mark dangerous coastlines, hazardous shoals, reefs, safe entries to harbors, and can also assist in aerial navigation. Once widely used, the number of operational lighthouses has declined due to the expense of maintenance and replacement by modern electronic navigational devices. 
[Source: Wikipedia]

14 March 2012


[Klik untuk pembesaran imej]

Tidak bersih, tidak jernih atau cemar.
Bersamaan dengan 'cemar', berlawanan dengan 'bersih'.
[Sumber: DBP]

Covered or marked with an unclean substance.
Synonyms with: filthy - foul - nasty - unclean - sordid - mucky - impure
[Source: Google]

Not clean or pure; likely to be befoul or defile with dirt

 Peribahasa Melayu:
Kotor dicuci, berabu dijentik.
Maksud: Apa yang tiada baik dan buruk hendaklah dibuang atau dilupakan sahaja.

12 March 2012

Kata hikmat

Dinding pagar Sekolah Menengah Methodist (ACS), Klang
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Dinding pagar sekolah di Sabak Bernam
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Kata hikmat
Kata hikmat merupakan hasil pemikiran bijak pandai dan tokoh-tokoh tersohor, ia biasanya mengandungi pengertian yang mendalam. Di peringkat pendidikan, ia berguna untuk menjadi sandaran hujah dalam pertuturan dan penulisan.
[Sumber: Portal Pendidikan Utusan Malaysia]

Perkataan orang bijak pandai yang mengandungi pengertian tinggi.
[Sumber: DBP]

Dalam bahasa Inggeris, kata hikmat diterjemahkan sebagai words of wisdom.

09 March 2012


Berteduh di bawah pohon berhampiran Ban Canal, Tanjung Karang, Selangor
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Berlindung drpd panas matahari, hujan dan sebagainya; bernaung; tidak kena panas matahari.
Bersinonim dengan: beransur kurang, reda, sidang, redup
[Sumber: DBP]

Comparative darkness and coolness caused by shelter from direct sunlight.
Synonyms with shadow - ghost - nuance - tint
[Source: Google]

Shade is the blocking of sunlight (in particular direct sunshine) by any object, and also the shadow created by that object. Shade also consists of the colors grey, black, white, etc. It may refer to blocking of sunlight by a roof, a tree, an umbrella, a window shade or blind, curtains, or other objects. Shade is an important issue in temperate and tropical zones for providing cooling and shelter from the sun.
[Source: Wikipedia]

The comparative darkness caused by the interception or screening of rays of light from an object, place, or area.
[Source: Dictionary.com] 

An area or a space of partial darkness
[Source: Answers.com]

Puisi Melayu
Hari petang nampaknya teduh,
Orang berjalan sebelah kiri;
Pokok ditanam kalau tumbuh,
Harapkan buah balasan budi. 

Peribahasa Melayu
Hilang kabus, teduh hujan.

 Telah mendapat kesenangan sesudah menderita kesusahan

07 March 2012


Keadaan air surut di Selat Melaka [Klik untuk pembesaran imej]

Keadaan air yang paling rendah atau kering (laut atau sungai)
[Sumber: DBP]

Low tide
The state of the tide when at its lowest level.
Synonyms: ebb - low water - ebb tide - reflux
[Source: Google]

The tide at its lowest level at a particular time and place. The lowest tides reached under normal meteorological conditions (the spring tides) take place when the Moon and Sun are directly aligned with respect to Earth. Low tides are less extreme when the Moon and Sun are at right angles (the neap tides). Storms and other meteorological conditions can greatly affect the height of the tides as well.

 Puisi Melayu
 Air pasang surut ke hulu,
Menemui baung mati terlentang;
Sudah dibawa buah mengkudu,
Si baju gadung ku ikut pulang.

Peribahasa Melayu
Air surut kapar hilir bersama,
air pasang ia tersangkut.

Di dalam usaha yang tidak menguntungkan, diajak bersama-sama
dan apabila usaha itu berhasil, ditinggalkan.

05 March 2012


Membasahkan tekak di pantai Bagan Pasir, Tg. Karang, Selangor
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Meneguk atau mene­lan sesuatu yang cair (air, susu, dan lain-lain)
[Sumber: DBP]

Drink /driNGk/
Take (a liquid) into the mouth and swallow. 
Synonyms with: imbibe - booze - tipple - boose
[Ref: Google]

Drinking is the act of consuming water or a beverage through the mouth.
[Ref: Wikipedia]

To swallow the contents of (a cup, glass, etc.)

 Puisi Melayu
Minum kopi taruh susu,
Kurang manis taruh gula;
Kalau ikut hawa nafsu,
Kalau tak mati separuh gila

Peribahasa Melayu
Minum air terasa duri, santap nasi terasa lilin
Maksud: Sangat bersusah hati

02 March 2012

Kunci air

Sebuah kunci air berhampiran kawasan Bagan Sekinchan, Selangor [Klik untuk pembesaran imej]

Kunci air
Sejenis sekat atau alat penahan air utk mengendalikan aliran air (dalam tali air, terusan, parit dan lain-lain)
[Sumber: DBP]

Sluice /slo͞os/
A sliding gate or other device for controlling the flow of water, esp. one in a lock gate.
Synonyms: lock - penstock - water gate - flood gate
[Ref: Google]

A sluice is a water channel that is controlled at its head by a gate (from the Dutch word 'sluis'). For example, a millrace is a sluice that channels water toward a water mill. The terms "sluice gate", "knife gate", and "slide gate" are used interchangeably in the water / wastewater control industry.

A sluice gate is traditionally a wooden or metal plate that slides in grooves in the sides of the channel. Sluice gates are commonly used to control water levels and flow rates in rivers and canals.
[Ref: Wikipedia]